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Greetings from Guatemala, While it was so very good to get to be in Texas for the summer it is great to be back in Guatemala too. We have been busy getting back into the swing of things here. Last Week we took a truck load of food to Rio Bravo, and while the roads were bad from mud slides it was not as bad as when Tropical storm Agatha came through back in June. We have seen a great deal of damage to roads, but there has not been any damage in the area where we live.

Georgette has started English classes back in Antigua, and they will go until October. Her class and the other teachers are happy to have her back.

I am building some things needed to help in drilling wells. I am fabricating a bailer used to clean out the hole and a cat head that will go on the machine so I can work it as a wench.

Also I will be going and doing some witnessing to people in the central park at Antigua on Saturday nights with some other people from our church here.

We will be doing a good bit of painting at Casa Shalom. The team house has already been painted on the outside and we are getting ready to repaint the inside. The school at Shalom has also been repainted and it looks very good. Because of your generous giving we were able to make a donation to Shalom to help get the school painted.

The first photo is outside the school and the others are of the inside of the school.

The first photo is of the paint work that was done on the play ground, the others are of the outside of the team house, it has been repainted on the outside and we will be painting the inside very soon.

We apologize that this is a short newsletter, but we have only been back for a short time and not a lot has happened yet.

In bible study the other day I ran across this:

James 1:27 Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.

In the first century, orphans and widows had very little means of economic support. Unless a family member was willing to care for them, they were reduced to begging, selling themselves as slaves, or starving. It is like that here too. By caring for these we people, the church put Gods Word into practice. When we give with no thought of receiving, we show what it means to truly serve others.

Please pray that the country can recover quickly from the damage of mudslides. Pray us as we witness to the people here. Thank you for lifting us up before the Lord. We feel your prayers.

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